Be who you are

These days it seems as if everyone wants to be like someone else. Maybe it is a certain hairstyle or having a super model body figure or even to become successful to make lots of money like the rich and famous. Teenagers are pressured to be like their friends so that would fit into the "in" crowd. The media especially social media, seems to be bombarding everyone's lives, mostly in a negative way. We spend a lot of time swiping or typing to keep up with life's events. Even our thoughts are flying off the shelf with this and that to do and the next thing you know is that another day has gone by. It has happened to me and I am sure it has happened to many if not all of you at some point in time. Companies have spent millions to get that response from us. You may see advertisements at clothing stores with celebrities and models showing off the clothing. Even the mannequin have perfect bodies. It appeals to the unconscious. A marketing strategy. How many of us are goin...