When you feel as if your life is shattering

Things happen in our world. Good things. Bad things. That's life. We all know that. God has not promised us a pain free or stress free life but He does promise us that He will be with us and never leave us. Sometimes that is hard to remember, especially when you feel as if everything around you is crumbling. Like a broken mirror or glass. Have you ever seen the ripples after it got smashed by some force? The cracks appear at first and then sooner or later, the pieces start shattering. Something like the photo below. Sometimes, we feel that way don't we? Things happen beyond our control. Our steady lives suddenly isn't so steady anymore. It may be bad news from the doctor or a loss of job or an accident or worse. Something that happens in an instant to dramatically change your life. You see these things happen everyday on the news. My heart aches to see someone in pain, their tears of sorrow and their cries for help. If you look at current events in this country, you can se...