There is a reason for your detours in life

There is a reason for your detours in life. Sometimes things happen in our lives to slow us down or guide us in a certain direction. Maybe the Lord has a detour for us to see something we may not have otherwise seen. Think of it like you are on a journey to somewhere. You are anxious to get to your destination and then the road that you are familiar with, is under construction. There is a huge detour. Along that detour route, you notice a beautiful view or come across something that you wouldn't have had if you were traveling on your familiar route. My chronic pains are getting the better of me. Yesterday morning I was able to get out of bed almost eleven o' clock. It can be very frustrating. There is so much stuff to do. My weekly schedule is full with chores, errands, my daughter's volleyball practices and games, appointments to make and keep, bills to remember to pay and so on. My drafts need to be revised and edited. I am anxious to get them done but it seems as ...