Happy Mother's Day!

I want to wish all my readers who are mothers a very happy and blessed Mother's Day 2014! My day had started off with my youngest daughter bringing me French Toast and coffee in bed for breakfast. Hubby got me some rose bushes. Two of our daughters got me an orchid plant each. Then at church, the mothers all received corsages. After church, we enjoyed lunch at Captain D's with my daughter and son-in-law. Then my eldest son came for a visit. I was also treated to a "spa" at home where I got my feet soaked and nails painted by the youngest. The day is not over yet! What a blessing today was so far!
I want to thank my mother for being the such an inspiring example to me. She is emotionally strong, hard-working and has a lot of faith in the Lord. She has always been there to give an encouraging word or smile. If you have a mother who is still alive, please take the time to tell her how much you appreciate her. Mothers are God's gift to us!
Have a wonderful day!


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