Be strong no matter what your circumstances

Almost two weeks have passed in this new year. With it, I have noticed that the challenges for me have already started. Isn't it amazing how the cares of this world can get to us? If you go on the internet or put on the television or listen to the radio, there is always something happening that stuns us, aggravates us, grieves us, disgusts us and so on. Nearly all the news you hear is bad news. It can wear you down whether you notice it or not. The good news is that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we have someone to depend on (that is if you are one who trust in God or even believe in God). We have someone who loves us despite who we are or what we've done.  
I had a couple of giveaways last month and a couple new members who joined my Facebook page have had recent losses of loved ones. Grief is never easy. I pray for them and others who are going through similar circumstances. If you are reading this and have experienced a loss, please remember this quote below:

God bless you all!


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