Happy Mother's Day!

I just want to take the time to wish all moms out there a happy and blessed Mother's Day! A mother's job is never done is it? There is always something that a mother wants to do for her child. It may be to get something (purchased or made), do something such as a call or text or even cook a meal or favorite dish. Then there are the never ending prayers. No matter how grown the kids get, a praying mom keeps on praying. Many mothers are good mothers. They care for their children and what happens to them. They want to hold them or try to be there for them when life does not go well for them.
 A mother is not superwoman but she sure does hold many capes. In her child's eyes, she is strong and cannot do wrong. She is readily available whether physically or through communicating from a phone, computer or some other method. She cooks the best meals. Her touch or voice is very soothing. She can bring a smile to her child's face. Everything is alright when mom is there for her child. What an expectation to live up to! Does a mother shy away from that expectation? No, she rises up and surpasses it. How does she do that? Well, that is her secret between her and God :)

Happy Mother's Day Moms!!! God bless you all!


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