A price must be paid

These past few months have been hectic with all sorts of commitments, errands and having some increasing health issues that were making me less productive in my work life. My vision problems and lack of time were making it even more difficult to do my best when I sit at the computer. I felt so tired and drained that my brains felt like mush. I felt as if I was walking in quicksand, sinking deeper and deeper the more I struggled to stay afloat. I always have my daily walks with the Lord but my flesh was stepping in and taking priority rather than the spirit. As a result I was listening more to my cries than to His help. Have you ever felt that way too? It's not the nicest feeling in the world, is it? Because I was dealing with health issues, I felt a lot of physical pains in various areas of my body. My work was suffering from not being able to do as much as I'd liked to. It was hard to sit at the computer without my eyes hurting. I was paying the price for my ailments. There's always a price for everything isn't there? Even if something is free, someone else had paid for it. I needed that the strength to carry on. I needed His strength. I had to submit my will to Him and let Him take care of me. I had to bear in mind that He is the One who has the answer. He is the One who paid the full price of my sins and therefore granting me a place in eternity with Him.


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