Happy New Year 2017!

Happy New Year 2017! 

Today is Sunday, 1st January, 2017. It is the first day of the New Year. Wow, where did 2016 go? I think that last year just flew by. I am not sure that I miss it though. I am looking forward to a new year and new beginnings. I pray that my relationship with the Lord would be one that is constantly growing. I pray for my fans who are still following me on Facebook. I've had some faithful ones from the very beginning of when I started the page. How blessed am I to have such dear friends!
Though we do not know what tomorrow may bring, I plan to get more writing done. I have a few that are still in the draft process but with the worsening of my health this past year, I haven't done much as I would have liked to. So this year I will write more. I have made up my mind to do so and I pray that the Lord would give me good health and strength for it.
I am also in the process of having another inspirational project getting started. I would not divulge too much about it but pray for me that it works out. I cannot wait to get going!
I am so glad to start the New Year by going to church. We had a wonderful time fellowshipping with our church family. It has been raining quite a bit for the New Year but I am not complaining. We needed the rain badly after being in a drought for so many months. God is so good, isn't He? Right now the rain has eased up. Hubby is watching football while little one is one her Chromebook writing her "story". My younger son is in bed after a long night with friends celebrating the new year. I pray for my family and for yours. May we always live our lives the way He wants us to. God bless you all and again, Happy New Year 2017!!!


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