You make me smile :)

It is wonderful to read some of the answers to the question in the giveaway: Who is the one person who can make you smile even on a bad day? Many had similar answers: kids, hubby, grandbabies, friends, moms, pets. Some even said it was hard to pick one. That's great too, isn't it? I too would say hubby, kids, mom and my friend, Sheena. She lives far away, but when we are on the phone, we can talk a long time. She always seem to understand me and no matter what mood I may be in, we always share lots of laughter- genuine ones.
 A couple people put Jesus as their answers. I definitely agree with that because I firmly believe that no matter may happen, He's the One who gives me the inner strength to keep on going. On a lighter note, no matter what answer you put, I am happy that there is someone who can make you put a smile on your face. Keep smiling. Keep shining and when obstacles come your way, use them as stepping stone. God bless!


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