Do you know where you are going to?

This past weekend, we attended the funeral services of one of our church members who recently trusted the Lord as his personal Savior. There was crying (understandably so) from his family and friends. The loss of a loved one hurts deep to the core. Yes, I cried too. It is hard for me to see others hurting. Each of us will have memories that are not exactly alike. Our favorite ones will all be different in some way. His wife, his children, his mother, his siblings and all those who were associated to him in some way, will all have different stories to tell. 
Though this is a sad time for those who are left behind, it is one of rejoicing for him. He will get to meet our Blessed Savior. That my friends, is the greatest consolation of all. Death is a promise to each of us but there is something that is even greater than death. One that has overcome death and given us a promise- the gift of eternal life. Only through the confession of our sins and our acceptance of the Lord Jesus. He has already won the battle for us. Our life here on earth is a one-way journey. We cannot turn back time. I ask you one question. Do you know where you are going to?


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