First Day of Summer!

Today is the official first day of Summer! I am feeling so excited because I have also finished my draft of Book 3 in the Sunny Brook Trilogy (Marie-Reunited). I am praying that all the editing and revision go smoothly and hopefully it will be ready to publish by the end of the month. It was a bit sad saying goodbye to my characters but who knows what the Lord has in store for the future!
Not only has writing been taking a lot of my attention but I was working on my cake decorating skills. This week, I made glazed cookies from icing that was made from scratch, a zebra cake with butter cream frosting that I also made from scratch. Fun, fun, fun! I just need to share the goodies because those calories are not for one person! 
I hope that you all enjoy your Summer. Keep up with the latest updates on my Facebook page AMGlover facebook page. Have a blessed day!


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