Memories of my father

A blessed Sunday to you all! Just a week from today, we'll be celebrating Father's Day all over the world. I want to share with you all a little bit of my late father every day of this week until Father's Day. I will be doing this on my Facebook page.AMGlover Facebook page. You are more than welcome to share your memories of your father or someone who was like a father to you :)

 Fathers are important in our lives. First of all, I want to thank my Heavenly Father who is the Greatest of them all. If His Love was not given to us, we would not have had the opportunity to have that Blessed Hope of Eternity in Heaven.

As I walk outside, I look at the flowers in my yard and admire them with their brilliant colors and beauty. The Lord made them all. He takes care of them just as a good father takes care of his children. Why not head on over to my Facebook page? I would love to hear from you!


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